Airsoft- EMG/Double Eagle - FN 509 Tactical [French]

il y a 1 mois 64

☣️LISEZ !!! READ!!! English subtitles : turn subtitles ON and then use auto-translation. Cette vidéo est une présentation de jouet. Pas de ventes. Pas de politique. This video is about a toy. No sales. No politics. ‼️WEAPON RELATED CONTENT DISCLAIMER at the end of the description. Fake guns. No regulated goods. _______________________________ ______________________________ 📖Index📖 00:00 Intro. 01:40 Parole d'airsofteur 1. 03:53 Remerciements et tarifs. 05:03 Unboxing. 06:47 A propos du FN 509. 07:59 Un projet de longue haleine. 08:30 La réplique. 12:23 Tir à vide et queue de détente. 13:30 Ajuster le hop-up. 14:11 Parole d'airsofteur 2. 15:24 Chronographe et tir sur cible. 20:29 Bilan. 20:56 Changement du dosseret. 21:45 Les différents types de plaques et red dots. 24:24 Je casse tout ! 31:29 Assemblage. 32:59 Conclusion. ______________________________ Intro/outro : Maric Animations : Caméras : -Xiaomi Mi13T : (affilié) -Sony ZV-1 : (affilié) -Sony RX10 II -DJI Osmo pocket 3 : (affilié) -Gopro Hero7. Logiciel de montage : Vegas22 pro Projecteurs LED Falcon Eye : (affilié) Micro DJI mic : (affilié) ______________________________ Musique : 🎼 Termina Ding - Dingchavez (that's me !) Musiques Epidemic Sound ( ) : 🎼ES_Balearic Breeze - Niklas Gustavsson 🎼ES_I Make Happy Music Now - Bonkers Beat Club 🎼ES_Absolute Power - Hampus Naeselius 🎼ES_Drift Apart - Anders Schill Paulsen 🎼ES_The Sky Changes 1 - Gunnar Johnsén 🎼ES_Add It Up - Nbhd Nick ______________________________ ‼️ L'airsoft est un sport, l'airsoft est un jeu, ne faites pas n'importe quoi avec vos répliques. ‼️ Airsoft is a game, airsoft is about having fun, don't do stupid things with your BB guns. ‼️DISCLAIMER regarding Youtube's "weapon content" policy : All the items resembling real firearms in this video are actually airsoft BB-guns. Disassembly and modifications of such toys are not against the law if there is no huge power change (i.e. going above the country of use limitations and regulations, which is 2 joules in France). Shooting tests are performed in a closed and secured area on electronic targets and/or a dummy. The shooter always wear eye protections. I do not promote the buying or use of any WEAPON. The only purpose of real weapon pictures in this video is for comparison or information purpose. Thank you.
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