Mechanix Gloves

il y a 1 année 156

While Mechanix Wear has been around for years, their origins can be traced to the Pit Stop’s rather than the local SWAT unit or the current hotspot or battlefield. But their products are at home there just as well. When hand protection is required and dexterity is the name of the game, the number of names as far as quality gloves are concerned narrows down pretty fast.

Mechanix gloves were and are designed primarily for ease of wear and for the user to be able to work with the gloves on. And by work I don’t mean just loading pallets or shuffling sand, I mean fine adjusting spoliers, changing tires, attaching difusors, fine tuning the ignition… And gloves with such specs in mind were soon spotted by the tactical operators throughout the world, lead by, off course, the US since these were manufactured in their back yard.

While Mechanix has more to offer than just gloves and in the gloves dept, there are many more models than these two we present here, we will concentrate this review on their most notable models, the Original Glove and the M-Pact. Displayed side by side clear differences are visible.
The Original Glove is designed for the ease of working with small items, for the user to have more feedback through the thin leather on the soles. The original Glove thus offers more dexterity but less protection.
The M-Pact, this is the second incarnation of this model, offers more protection, on top as well as on the soles.

While these gloves are not water resistant, they keep your hands protected from abrasion, impact as well as from the elements, not as much as your winter glove, make no mistake there, but they offer sufficient protection for the active user. Since these two models were tested primarily in the airsoft enviorment, we can easily say they were abused well.

Handling replicas, gear, climbing obstacles, catching falls, intercepting knuckle hits, they did the job well. These are my second pair I use, my first pair was a pair of M-Pact, the previous model, they easily handled 2 years of every weekend abuse and I retired them to the warehouse duty and bought now ones for the sheer tacticool look. When compared to other gloves I used so far and I have used quite a few of them, different makes, different models for different use, the Mechanix gloves came on top.

They last longer, can be worn better, offer more protection and more dexterity all that at a similar or lower price than the competition.
While they are not kevlar lined and stitched, they are not cut resistant (…at least not these two models), they are still my favorite and I can only recommend them to anyone who’s looking for a decently priced high performance glove to protect their hands or just look cool. Take a pick, Mechanix has a wide variety of them, I’m sure you will be able to find a suitable pair for you.

Test item provided by Sniper Airguns

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