TREX TALK: The Second Amendment Reading List

il y a 3 années 481

On a day in which nothing happened that we're allowed to talk about on a YouTube Livestream, Isaac talks about the books T.Rex Arms recommends folks be reading in 2021. They are all books on the 2nd Amendment, the history of tyrannical governments and resistance, and other topics TOTALLY unrelated to any events that are happening today. Second Amendment Books: That Every Man Be Armed - Stephen Holbrook The Founders’ Second Amendment - Stephen Holbrook The Second Amendment Manifesto - John Paine Aiming For Liberty – David B. Kopel DeInfringe – Joshua Baker Pre-American Interposition Books: Lex Rex - Samuel Rutherford Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos - a 1579 Huguenot pamphlet Magdeburg Confession - The Pastors of Magdeburg The Christian and the Magistrate - Pierre Viret Great Christian Revolution - Otto Scott American History Books: 1776 - David McCollough Paul Revere’s Ride – David Hackett Fischer Of Plymouth Plantation - William Bradford General World History Books: Modern Times - Paul Johnson Ascent of Money - Niall Ferguson General Politics: The War on Guns - John R. Lott, Jr. Parliament of Whores - PJ O’Rourke In the next episode, we'll try to cover military studies, economics, fiction, philosophy, and more! Stay connected to us here:
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