WP Paint Grenade - Airsoft / Paintball Grenade

il y a 4 années 494

USA SHOP: https://store.enolagaye.com/us/ EUROPE: https://store.enolagaye.com/ Paint & BB Grenades The original paint and fragmentation grenade designed by Enola Gaye. The first production model of our moulded paper based grenade was in 1996 and since then it has evolved and grown into one of the best selling grenades for paintball and airsoft today. Our grenade is iconic and recognised all over the world. We have made both products as biodegradable as possible, the FRAG grenade is very popular with both PAINTBALL & AIRSOFT sites because of it natural clay fill & paper construction, making it 100% bio-degradable. Flash Grenades Flash Grenades are noise report products that produce a pyrotechnic bang/explosion with a flash of light; each type varies slightly in effect. Our Our products have been reduced in power compared to military types as they are designed for training and Airsoft and Paintball scenarios. World Famous..................... Enola Gaye Smoke Grenades are the most widely used and popular coloured smoke products for commercial use in the world. Our mission is to have dealers in every country large and small. Designed in the UK All of our products are designed in house by our team of experts in the UK, coupled with our strict quality control and test criteria means we make the best gear. Easy & Safe to Use All of our products are designed so that they are simple to operate, require no training and are safe to use. Easy Ignition Our products are Easy to operate and labeled with clear operating instructions. No training needed…Simple. Superb Quality Control Enola Gaye products are CE tested and surpass all quality testing for the European market. We have approvals for use in America and Canada. Please check our website: https://www.enolagaye.com/ OUR SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmokeGrenades/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smokegrenades/ Last Summer by Ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/n2oTA5JSk80
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